What to Pack
What to Pack
- Bible
- 5 shirts **
- 5 pairs of pants/shorts **
- 5 pairs of underwear and socks
- 2 pairs of sturdy shoes
- Swimsuit**
- + cover-up/t-shirt to wear to/from pool
- 1 pair of shower shoes/flip-flops
- 5 wash cloths and towels
- soap; Shampoo; toothbrush ...toiletries
- sleeping back and/or sheets; pillow
- personal fan; exstenion cord
- laundry bag
- flash light
- baseball glove (optional)
- Water Bottle/Mug - resusable with name.(We are NOT resposible for lost water bottles or mugs.)
What NOT to Pack
- cell phones
- gaming devices
- matches/lighters
- Fireworks - of any kind
Camper Mail
Camper’s Name
C/O Camp Red Oak Springs – Session #
875 Private Road 7007
Newton TX, 75966
Our mailbox is a small rural box at the end of our road. Large, oversized packages may not be delivered.
This address is used only for camper mail during our camping season, all other correspondence, please use our business address.
Please Read!
1. **All clothing must be modest.
2. **All shorts must be knee length.
(basketball shorts preferably)
3. **All shirts must have a sleeve.
(No tank tops or midriffs’)
4. **No legging or yoga shorts/pants.
The camp dress code applies to both boy and girl campers. All final decisions about dress code and electronic devices will be made by the session director. All electronic devices should be left at home or may be surrendered at check-in or anytime during the session and returned at the end of the camp session.